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About Us

Nordic Student Service adalah konsultan pendidikan resmi yang mewakili universitas-universitas tertentu di Swedia. Didirikan sejak tahun 2005 dan sudah melayani ratusan mahasiswa. Kantor kami terletak di Swedia. Kami mengadakan kunjungan ke Indonesia dua kali setiap tahunnya, untuk bertemu dengan calon mahasiswa dan juga para orang tua calon mahasiswa.

Selain calon mahasiswa dari Indonesia, kami juga melayani calon mahasiswa dari Malaysia. Layanan konsultasi kami meliputi banyak topik, mulai dari pendidikan tinggi di Swedia, jurusan, peluang kerja, akomodasi, visa dan biaya hidup di Swedia.



    Last Posts


    • Having experience of studying in Sweden is truly precious. I received a
      very broad view of how education can be fun and attractive. When I
      studied in Linneaus University, the lectures were very helpful and
      assisting the student to achieve better accomplishment in the subject
      area that we learned. My improvemen was proven through my better
      academic writing skills during the thesis project. In addition, I got
      the opportunity to meet wonderful college mates from different countries
      and backgrounds which I really enjoyed to experience diverse
      multicultural environment.

      Stefi Prima, Tourism and Sustainability di Linnaeus University

      For me Sweden is an amazing and an unforgetable place to pursue further education. From the high quality of education, inclusion of student in improving the learning system, international enviroment and of course, Fika! The best thing that I love about the education and also overall life in here is how not everything is formal. Even with our own professor we could feel like an old friend.

      Cornelius Yudha, Biology Evolutionary di Uppsala University

    • When I think about sustainability, Sweden was the first thing appear in my mind. Therefore, the decision to go study in Sweden was right because I can learn more about sustainability issue not only from college but also from my daily life in Sweden. In addition, my program in Chalmers offered the state-of-the-art of the energy technologies and systems with the proficiency to undertake energy engineering tasks including assessing technical, environmental and financing aspect. I am really grateful to have come in Sweden!

      Bayu Ardiyanto, Sustainable Energy System di Chalmers University

      Sejak mulai hidup di Swedia, banyak perubahan positif terjadi pada diri saya. Saya mulai mengerti pentingnya memisahkan sampah berdasarkan kategorinya, demi proses daur ulang yang ujungnya akan dapat mengurangi sampah tak terurai. Atau menjadi rendah hati seperti orang Swedia, seperti tidak pernah bilang ”Saya yang paling pintar”, atau ”Saya yang paling baik disini”. Saya menjadi menyukai olahraga dan menyadari pentingnya kesehatan. Datang kesini merupakan keputusan yang bagus.

      Satu Cahaya Langit, Computer Science di KTH